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The Space That Divides Us... Or Unites Us

Knowing that each person finds their way to the space of stillness, and receives the guidance, healing, and wisdom that is intended for them alone.

All of our experiences in this space will be unique to each of us – but it is the shared knowing that we all have access to this space within us that unites us.

Open mind, open heart, and curiosity all lead to authenticity.

Authenticity leads to vulnerability, which leads to humility, which allows authentic connection.

We’ve lost something along the way, in our pursuit of advancements, we have lost our connection.

Smiling at strangers, talking to the person next to you, and feeling part of, instead of other.

Every time I visit a community space, a retreat, or a large private event one thing stands out above all else. Everyone is friendly towards one another. We may not all stop and talk to each other, but there is eye contact, a smile, a nod, and sometimes a brief exchange.

Every time I return to the world at large and go to the store, out to dinner, or to a public venue it is a stark contrast—it is a rare case of smiles exchanged, politeness, or eye contact, leaving me seeking the connections even more.

Hand raised here, I am that person that will talk to you in the grocery store line, or on the plane. I will give you the thumbs up on the scarf you are trying on in the store, (especially if the color brings out your eyes). I will seek out the opportunity in everyday moments and look for the brief connection in our gaze where a smile can be exchanged.

About half of the people I encounter look shocked. Maybe a quarter of them respond back with a smile, or a nervous laugh – wondering why the heck I’m smiling at them. Then there is the remaining quarter of people who range from pleasantry exchangers to inhibition lacking goofballs like me.

Why is this important?

The path through life and work is full of people. All around us, opportunities to connect are available at every turn. From brief exchanges of smiles to deep philosophical treks. 

The further into a niche we find ourselves, the seemingly less people we feel a connection with that are “like us”. This is not a good or bad thing, just one perspective and observation.

In a world that is boiling with divisive rage, our options become even more limited.

Connection…and more importantly, authentic connection, is even harder to find for many people.

Our jobs define us and can thus divide us (perhaps unintentionally).

This makes it all the more vital to explore and learn what else defines us—and connects us to each other.

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